Slogging Through the Obstacles

This is an exciting week, with major astrological shifts that should leave everyone feeling a lot better. I’m more than ready to get out of this stuck space, and I know you all are, too.

The week begins with several planets in their detriment or fall, including Venus, Mars, and Jupiter. As I noted in last week’s SkyWatch post, when planets are in their detriment or fall, the energies they embody are somehow “off,” and we feel it. Venus has been demanding and selfish in Aries, while Mars is paranoid, moody, and passive-aggressive in Cancer. In Capricorn, Jupiter turns into a workaholic, when he’s so much more jovial as master of ceremonies.

Although Mercury isn’t technically in detriment or fall in Taurus, this isn’t his best sign, and this will be doubly true when he squares Neptune on Tuesday. Slow, foggy, and confused thinking will be the order of the day. Have you ever been on the phone and momentarily forgotten who you were talking to? It’s like that…

On Wednesday, Venus enters Taurus, which is one of the signs she rules. We should start seeing signs of beauty, grace, and a general return of yumminess, with fewer selfish demands, especially among couples.

Thursday is May 1, celebrated as May Day and known to the ancient Celts as Beltaine, when virgins were deflowered, and it was OK to mate with someone other than your spouse. Venus trines Pluto, which is sure to create some irresistible temptation. And if you’re looking to make it more permanent, her trine with Saturn later in the day could bring just what you’re looking for. Saturn is about to turn direct, too, so this will be a powerful day for romantic commitment.

Saturn turns direct on Friday at 8:07 p.m. on the West Coast of the United States. He’ll take a week or two to start moving forward, but we all are going to start seeing some real progress in areas that have had us stuck for months. As I noted in a new post today on The Pisces Chronicles, the simultaneous station of Jupiter in Capricorn and Saturn coincided with an interesting experience over the weekend that seems to have bumped me up a notch on the consciousness spiral. Among other things, I made some progress in a couple of areas where I’ve been desperately stuck. Could the chant to Ganesha (pictured above) have had anything to do with it? He’s apparently an expert on dealing with Saturn issues.

Earlier on Friday, Mercury enters Gemini. Seeing as how we’re interacting primarily in cyberspace, we’re going to feel this, and I’m betting it will be almost instant. Look for lots of communications activity this weekend.

Sunday will be deliciously lazy and sensual, with the Moon exalted in Taurus trining Pluto and Saturn, then conjoining Venus – all in preparation for Monday’s New Moon. Effects of the New Moon can be felt within three days before or after peak fullness, so we should start seeing the results of all the painful breaking down we’ve been going through since the Full Moon in Scorpio.

So hang in there, and keep in touch. One of the ways we learn about how astrology works is through the stories you leave here. And don’t be shy, even if English is not your native language. is a truly international website, and it’s always exciting for us to hear from the four corners of the planet.

Much love and manifold blessings,
Gotta be freePat

12 thoughts on “Slogging Through the Obstacles

  1. Jessica_

    Thanks for the good news!!! I’m about as ready as I’ve ever been for Saturn to move direct (this station is exactly square my Moon.) I can already feel progress happening


  2. devil mood

    I can’t wait for Mars to enter Leo, I’ve had to “here” (points at forehead) with all this passive-aggressiveness. Can’t stand the mood in my house anymore neither (it’s on my 4th house too).

    As for Saturn, well, I’m not too excited about it moving forward but it has to be done, right? I had no idea Ganesha had a connection to Saturn. I may start giving him presents myself. ;) (it is a He, right?)

    Also happy about Mercury moving to Gemini, bloggers have been too lazy lately, me included.


  3. Neith

    Hey Jessica!

    I can already feel progress happening

    It dawned on me Venus will be moving into Taurus tomorrow and will move more solidly into a Grand Trine with Saturn & Pluto. Now that totally favors Libras and Taurus’s!! ta dah!! :-D


  4. Neith

    Hi DM! Good to see you here!!

    I can’t wait for Mars to enter Leo, I’ve had to “here” (points at forehead) with all this passive-aggressiveness. Can’t stand the mood in my house anymore neither (it’s on my 4th house too).

    I bet you are MORE than ready for Mars to be in a Fire sign again. I am too [even if Mars in Leo will square my natal Mars].

    Also happy about Mercury moving to Gemini, bloggers have been too lazy lately, me included.

    Now Mercury’s move into Gemini will get off to a slow start because it will promptly be squared by Saturn in Virgo and then it will be going Rx on May 26 with the shadow phase starting May 18 . . . . just full of good news here, aren’t I?!


  5. Pat Post author

    Well, Ganesha doesn’t seem to be any match for Saturn on natal Pluto. At least not for me, not today. Maybe because Saturn is stationed. Big-time stuck, and up against the Evil Empire.

    It occurred to me that maybe this was Ganesha’s way of putting a huge obstacle in front of me so that I wouldn’t go down this path, but now I’ve got an obstacle behind me, too, so there’s no turning back.

    “In a tight spot” doesn’t even begin to describe…


  6. Mandy H.

    Certainly for this last week I’ve been feeling like I’m maybe seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Feel very much lightened almost as though I’m floating free … First time I’ve felt like this in months if not years …. (not to say I am ignoring all the problems we have here and certain situations are not solved by any means…). Last night took a decisive step (but only a tiny one as I have NO idea where to go from here) about future direction of my life…

    Gosh. Took a look at the chart of the person that has been causing me a *lot* of the problems of recent days and then overlaid it onto mine and hmmm although I don’t understand the mechanisms – it certainly appears to show up certain of the difficulties he’s having right now and perhaps all the way through his life – Pluto’s almost smack bang on his ascendant…. His midheaven is on my moon (or within a degree) and his moon is within a few degrees of my sun…


  7. leslee

    Since Saturn is sitting on my Merc, Pallas and Venus/Pluto (0-2 degrees Virgo), I decided to take Friday off in celebration! (Actually, to have some quiet time to think about things going forward.) Then an opportunity came up to go see a new exhibit at the art museum with a friend that day, so I’ll do that as well, cutting into my quiet time a bit, but Venus will be happy. :-)

    I need to look for a new apartment, so hoping with Saturn moving forward, that will help. My progressed Sun is now at 7 Scorpio (my IC is 7.12 Scorpio – my pSun reaches 7.12 exact on July 1!) so I’m really getting hot to find a new place.


  8. Pat Post author

    Well, Mandy, I would say that I’m seeing a light at the end of the tunnel, too. It’s just that there are trains speeding in both directions, and it seems as though there’s a very small space to maneuver through without getting run over. I’ve been on edge, which is why my presence here and on PiChron has been somewhat curtailed over the past couple of weeks.

    As to your charts … I do something called Transits for Two, which not only looks at the synastry of two people but at the transits that trigger the various connections. This technique is useful for determining when certain situations happen between two people.

    At some point, I am going to get Skype up and running, which means that I will be available for consultations for all of our international readers — and you’ll get the additional bonus of seeing me on the screen, too!

    Anyway, I’m happy to hear that you’ve made some progress and that the worst seems to be behind you. Do keep us posted, OK?


  9. Pat Post author

    Leslee, that is interesting about your progressed Sun and urge to move!

    And DM, I can’t think of a situation in which Saturn retrograde would be more beneficial than Saturn direct. Saturn rules the material world, so whenever we’re stuck in a situation that has to do with money, where we live, or something else tangible, we want Saturn to be moving forward and, hopefully, well-placed in our charts.

    Even in non-material issues, such as relationships, it’s better to have him moving forward. Saturn currently is moving through my seventh house — which is very wide, so he’s been in residence here for way too long. And I’ve been going through major relationship lessons. Did I need them? Of course. But it’s been extremely painful at times.

    As I’ve noted elsewhere, there’s no avoiding that, not even for astrologers…


  10. devil mood

    Neith: Oh you killed my Mercury buzz ;)

    Pat: I was being completely self-centered about Saturn (that doesn’t really work, does it? lol) because as soon as it starts moving (particularly later on in the year) it will be squaring a bunch of my personal planets. ;) But as you say difficulties can’t be avoided forever.


  11. Pat Post author

    DM, I know that feeling! Saturn not only will be opposite my Moon later this year (like, why don’t I just kill myself now and get it over with?) and he’ll also enter my eighth house, opposite transiting Uranus in my second. Any more financial trouble, and I’ll be looking for a warm grate to sleep on.

    But we might as well stop time itself, and we know we don’t want to do that. Saturn can help us build structure, too, and in Virgo, he’s very practical. And Uranus can signify sudden windfalls as well as sudden expenses or loss.

    Ultimately, we have to keep our nerve. Steady as she goes.


  12. Neith

    Neith: Oh you killed my Mercury buzz ;)

    LOL! The Saturn square will pass quickly and you will have some “buzz” time before the Mercury Rx cycle begins! This weekend the Moon will be in Aries [a little Fire in the sky . . .] Enjoy! :-D


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