Weekly Forecast June 22: New Moon in Cancer

Midsummer Eve by Edward Robert HugesNo whining this week. If you’re upset and crying, just stop it now!

OK, that’s not me talking. That’s my evil twin, who has been taken over by Pluto in Capricorn. The Lord of the Underworld in the sign of stern Capricorn has zero tolerance for any show of emotion whatsoever. Under severe strain? Too bad. Pluto in Cap doesn’t care.

I’m telling you this because you are likely to be met by this seemingly heartless attitude as we head into a new week. The New Moon on Monday falls in Cancer, sign of mother, nurturing, and strong emotions, with Pluto in very tight opposition. On one hand, we may feel teary and overwhelmed, while on the other hand, we may butt up against someone who has no sympathy for this kind of behavior. Perhaps it will be a faceless bureaucrat who gave your appointment to someone else because you were 30 seconds late, and you can’t get another appointment for two weeks. Or the cop who doesn’t care that you were driving 5 miles per hour over the speed limit because your mother is having a medical emergency on the other side of town.

Or you may just not find an ounce of sympathy among friends and others you normally rely on when you are feeling dejected and need a shoulder to cry on. At least make sure that you are not the one denying yourself sympathy and forgiveness. That happens, too, and way more often than it should.

On the positive side, you may find out that you are a lot tougher than you think. While we would rather have a soft helping hand, it’s nice to know that when there’s absolutely no one available and we’re on our own, we can manage. We don’t want to become the Marlboro man, happiest when alone on the range, but neither is it desirable to be too reliant on others, too much of the time. Balance is key.

If you haven’t already read Neith’s excellent analysis of this New Moon, check it out. As she points out, we’re heading into a new eclipse cycle, and so the time between this New Moon and solar eclipse on July 21 is a critical period for healing in order to move forward.

Fortunately, we also start out the week with Venus and Mars still in close conjunction, with both at a favorable trine to Saturn. Venus-Mars conjunctions are felt in romantic relationships, so while you may have power struggles and be denied the sympathetic ear you’re looking for, messages of love may come through other behaviors that indicate solid commitment and support. Don’t discount these things, just because they aren’t what you had in mind. As the old Rolling Stones song goes, you can’t always get what you want, but if you try, sometimes you get what you need.

We’ll spend most of the rest of the week adjusting to new circumstances or people in our lives, but at least we’ll have a little breathing space.

On Sunday, Saturn conjoins Ceres. Our good friend Tseka is watching this alignment very closely, as are many of us. Ceres is still largely an unknown presence, but I believe we will learn some important information about her meaning in the next couple of weeks. Conjoined with Saturn, we might expect to see older women in the news, especially those with a lot of experience and wisdom.

Much love and courage to all,

Aquarius, the sign of astrologyPat

Image: Midsummer Eve, by Edward Robert Hughes, c.1908. Solstice was on June 21, but we’re still under its magical influence this week.

8 thoughts on “Weekly Forecast June 22: New Moon in Cancer

  1. sabina

    wow hope I will remember these words of wisdom in the comming few days at the required time and keep my balance. Thanks for the update Pat:-)


  2. Mem

    “The New Moon on Monday falls in Cancer, sign of mother, nurturing, and strong emotions, with Pluto in very tight opposition. On one hand, we may feel teary and overwhelmed, while on the other hand, we may butt up against someone who has no sympathy for this kind of behavior.”

    I have this opposition natally and square Venus. This is the first time I read about people having no sympathy and now it all makes sense. I’m not going to get any sympathy so I might as well hunker down and stop expecting or seeking it. I never did understand that but there it is. On the other hand, I’m expected to give nothing but bottomless sympathy and understanding. I think that makes me more bitter than anything. I just pray that if I work on these issues really hard, I won’t carry them into my next life.


  3. deb

    I watched a performance on television, tonight, and cried buckets.

    It was either that good or I was that mushy.


  4. Jennifer R

    I am so the “no sympathy for your pain” person. My mother is going around whining and crying and Not Getting Over It and she’s driving me nuts. And my best friend just got a tarot reading where the moral of the story was “dry up and use your intellect rather than emotions here.”


  5. deb

    Gosh. I’m kinda 75/25. I feel sympathy for many beings. But mean folks who know better I have very little sympathy for.

    Guess it’s hard to be sympathetic if we haven’t been hurt by loss, etc.,. I have a Capricornian friend who always had a stern disposition, with little sympathy for humanity’s shortcomings. Yet since his father passed in April, he’s exhibited a more gentle, warm and patient approach toward others.

    Don’t get me wrong, here. My awesome Capricornian friend is still as sarcastic as ever.


  6. inishglora

    Deb, there was a great discussion over at Raging Universe some time back on the Cap/Cancer nodes. It’s hard to find specific entries, though, because blogger doesn’t allow searches, but IMO it’s worth a look. I have my nodes in the Cap/Cancer axis and it’s taught me a lot about my responses and tendencies.


  7. deb

    Yeah. My Cap friend would complain about lighting in a restaurant. And he never liked it when he had to repeat himself more than once.

    We went out, recently, and I was amazed by his patience in the midst of some real, not-so-nice treatment by a cafe staff. By patience I mean “silence” and *that* look in the eyes.

    I love my Cap friends. They’ve taught me to keep from taking crap from others in some ways.


  8. Mem

    “Guess it’s hard to be sympathetic if we haven’t been hurt by loss, etc.,. I have a Capricornian friend who always had a stern disposition, with little sympathy for humanity’s shortcomings. Yet since his father passed in April, he’s exhibited a more gentle, warm and patient approach toward others.”

    So true.


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