Weekly Forecast June 23: Sun in Cancer, Uranus Retrograde

Neith's irisThe general tone is overall a lot more relaxed this week, with the Sun in homebody Cancer, Uranus turning retrograde, and not a whole lot else going on. Finally, we can catch our collective breath.

The week begins with the Moon in Aquarius, conjunct Neptune and opposite Mars. We may get a brief revisit of issues or events that cropped up during last week’s Mars-Neptune opposition. As Mars was approaching opposition to Neptune last weekend, I spilled an entire pot of piping hot clam chowder on myself. Fortunately, I was wearing an apron and didn’t get burned. I also heard a report of a fire onboard a boat last weekend. Just try to be careful and keep your mind on what you’re doing.

Mercury is direct but still a little slow at the beginning of the week, and he’s in the post-retrograde shadow period until July 4. I’m getting reports that some of you are still having difficulties with communications problems that began in the pre-retrograde shadow phase. I hate to have to report this, but you may have to endure some mild-to-moderate frustration for another couple of weeks. Astro-Twitter, which began having problems in the shadow phase, still isn’t back up and running, so I’m using this as our “canary in the mine” (Neith’s line; I can’t take credit for it).

On Tuesday, the Sun in Cancer sextiles Saturn in Virgo, emphasizing service and health-related issues, especially regarding diet and the food supply. Watch the headlines for news involving these topics.

The Moon conjoins Uranus in Pisces on Wednesday, the day before Uranus turns retrograde. Aquarius, Rising Aquarius, and Rising Pisces will feel this, along with anyone who has transiting Uranus at a critical point in their charts. Things to look for will be a drop or wild fluctuations in your energy level. I always tell my clients to monitor their caffeine and alcohol intake during this shift, because it may affect you differently than it usually does.

Once Uranus turns retrograde, all of the outer planets except Saturn will be in retreat until early September, when Jupiter and Pluto return direct. Because the outer planets spend so much of the year retrograde, it’s not an uncommon event for several of them to retrograde at once, so I don’t see much significance in this, in and of itself. That said, if you have more than one outer planet in aspect to personal planets or key chart points, you might want to consider getting a transit reading. Neith and I both do them.

May we all have a restful week…

Love and blessings,
Aquarius, the sign of astrologyPat

Image:  Photo by Neith. Irises have a long history in symbolism and are associated with death, particularly with transporting women’s souls to the afterlife. Irises are a main feature in the 14th key of the Tarot, which corresponds to Sagittarius.

4 thoughts on “Weekly Forecast June 23: Sun in Cancer, Uranus Retrograde

  1. Neith

    I’m sure noticing the energy flux syndrome courtesy of Uranus stationing. Ready for it to level out and quit stomping on one side of my Libra scales and then the other!

    Also beginning to see some movement in Mercury related areas too but still waiting to see Twitter get their act together so we can have Astro-Twitter up and running again.


  2. Pat Post author

    HA! Neith, once again, you’ve read my mind. I was just thinking the same thing about Astro-Twitter, and lo and behold, your comment popped up!

    Since Twitter began having problems during the shadow, I’m wondering whether we’ll have to wait until the post-retrograde shadow is over to get back on track. I sure do miss it!


  3. leslee

    Still having major problems with my PC security program, with lots of mixed connections with tech support. Maddening. I’m also anxious to get moving – literally. I move next Wednesday and have been chomping at the bit, but with so much job work, haven’t been able to get much packed yet. Meanwhile, having to cool my heels, not easy with Mars squaring my Mars! Yesterday, another glitch with moving my internet/tv/phone service…


  4. Neith

    Hey, leslee. Is it possible the culprit may be Uranus turning Rx today? At least the PC problems?

    You have my complete sympathies with the Mars sq Mars . . . somehow I made it through that transit without beheading anyone but there were moments! :-D

    May your move be smooth and easy . . .


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