Article Archive

Old BooksThis is your gateway to a vast library of free astrology articles.

Pat’s Parlor features a selection of my articles from the RealAstrologers blog and from the archives of The Pisces Chronicles, my former blog about the astrology of world affairs, the evolution of human consciousness, and the state of the universe.

Diane’s Pantry is an archive of posts by Diane Lang, a.k.a. “Neith.” Diane left RealAstrologers in March 2010, but kindly agreed to leave her archive of articles and posts for our “pantry.” If you’d like to contact Diane for a reading, you can reach her through her website, Libra Seeking Balance.

Ruth’s Tea Room is a collection of articles by Soul Astrologer Ruth Hadikin, who was a contributor to RealAstrologers from January 2011 to March 2014. This archive contains a wealth of humor and wisdom.