Pat Paquette, Co-Founder of RealAstrologers

Pat Paquette, Co-Founder

Pat Paquette, Co-Founder

Most astrologers probably will tell you that they didn’t start out wanting to become astrologers. It’s one of those professions that picks you, rather than the other way around.

I never even used to believe in astrology. I began my career as a serious-minded journalist, covering oil, nuclear power, electricity, and global warming, well before it became a household word. My sources were lawyers, lobbyists, and congressional staff. If I were to go back and visit those people today and tell them what I do for a living, they’d probably call security!

Nevertheless, it was a natural progression. Journalists — good ones, anyway — search for the truth. I began formal Tarot studies in the early 1990s, which inevitably led to the study of astrology. I fought it, for the same reason many people in our culture do. There’s a built-in bias against astrology as superstitious pseudoscience. Intelligent people don’t believe in astrology. But at some point, I realized that the truth of the material world is a very small part of a greater, “higher” truth that exists all around us every day, that many of us can’t or don’t want to see. Astrology is a means of accessing this greater truth.

Because of my writing background, I eventually landed a job writing astrology reports and forecasts (long, in-depth ones, not the newspaper variety). That, in turn, led to a job editing and designing new products for a major astrology website with millions of readers around the world. Many of you may have read my forecasts, without knowing they were mine.

Like many beginning astrologers, I did my “internship” through free readings for friends and coworkers. Finally, in 2004, after nearly ten years of studying, I began my own private consulting practice.

I have a particular talent for getting to the underlying source of conflict, and so it’s no accident that I attract a lot of clients who are in tight spots and need practical information about what’s happening in their lives and why. I do the same within relationships. Through a technique called synastry, I can pinpoint the source of your conflict so that you can address your issues at the source. Knowledge is power, and self-knowledge leads to self-empowerment. Throughout my years of practice, I have focused on empowering my clients with information to make better choices. Seeing my clients living richer, more-fulfilling lives has been one of the most gratifying experiences of my entire life.

Two years ago, I launched The Pisces Chronicles, a blog about the astrology of world affairs, human evolution, the future, and the state of the universe. The discussions are always lively, with a sophisticated readership of exceptional people. We all have learned a lot and evolved together, for which I am enormously gratified.

I am an Aquarius born on the Celtic cross-quarter day of Imbolc, with Aquarius Rising and Moon in Pisces.