Tag Archives: Neptune in Pisces

Weekly Forecast June 29: Full Moon in Capricorn, Venus Conjunct Jupiter

Composite by Osk Ingad Alden, 2015.

Composite by Osk Ingad Alden, 2015.

With the pain and setbacks of the past few weeks still heavy on our minds and in our hearts, we’re at last getting some encouraging news, with real signs of progress.

This week looks good for more positive change, with fortunate planets Venus and Jupiter finally reaching exact conjunction – and it’s going to be a spectacular sight. Better still, both planets are in a positive trine to Uranus the Awakener. An intense Full Moon on Wednesday shows us how far we’ve come and what we’ve had to sacrifice to get to a new place, and it hints about the fights still ahead. For now, though, we can celebrate in gratitude and heap loads of love and appreciation on our comrades in arms. Continue reading

Weekly Forecast June 22: Mercury Square Neptune, Mars Enters Cancer

Secret Garden. © Gretchen Friedrich, 2015.

Secret Garden. © Gretchen Friedrich, 2015.

When tragedies like last week’s shooting take place, the first instinct of an astrologer is to cast a chart and try to identify the correlating aspects.

I did, but not immediately. My first reaction was to get depressed, or maybe it was a sad sense of resignation. We’ve known all along that it wasn’t a question of whether another shooting spree would take place, but when. That this one took place in a church added to the shock and disbelief. We think of churches as a sanctuary. Then, I don’t suppose it’s any more “sacred” than a school, a sorority house, or a movie theater, and certainly not more than one’s home. We tend not to include the latter in our definition of mass shooting, so they don’t make sensational headlines, even though Continue reading

Weekly Forecast June 8: Mercury Direct, Neptune Retrograde

King Neptune. © Osk Ingad Alden, 2015.

King Neptune. © Osk Ingad Alden, 2015.

Neptume is to blane. That’s may story and I’m sticking to it.

Seriously, Neptune in Pisces hasn’t been all roses and strawberry fields forever. There’s a debilitating side to it, not the least of which is fatigue, sleepiness, mental confusion, and inability to concentrate. There’s going to be a lot of that going around this week, with Neptune turning retrograde.

There’s also an escapist side to Neptune, which is what many astrologers predicted would happen when Neptune entered Pisces in January 2012. I don’t have statistics about substance abuse, addictions to computer games and pornography, or numbers of mishaps due to failure to look up from a cell phone while driving or Continue reading

Weekly Forecast May 25: Mercury Conjunct Mars, Sun Square Neptune

Composite by Osk Ingad Alden, 2015.

Composite by Osk Ingad Alden, 2015.

We’re in for another trying week, with an increased risk of arguments, errors on the job, and difficulty staying on task.

Mercury is retrograde until June 11, in his own sign of Gemini. Mercury rules information, communications, small electronics, traffic flow, siblings, and your immediate neighborhood. Challenges in one or more of these areas are typical during Mercury retrograde periods, but the potential for frustration and delay doubles with Mercury in his own sign.

Mars and the Sun also are in Gemini, adding another layer of complication, and this week all three planets are in conjunction, and all in a square to Neptune, the planet of foggy thinking, confusion, and deception. Gemini usually is quick-witted, funny, curious, and chatty; however, this configuration is anything but amusing. Continue reading

Weekly Forecast May 11: Mars Enters Gemini, Venus Trine Neptune

Duel of Hektor and Ajax2Frustrations begin to mount this week, as Mars enters Gemini and Mercury, Gemini’s ruler, slows down in advance of next week’s retrograde.

Mars has been in slow-moving Taurus. That hasn’t entirely been a bad thing; there’s something to be said for endurance as opposed to a sprint. However, there’s been a drag on our energy, and that will lift after Mars enters speedy Gemini on Monday. The movements of Mars are always important to watch, particularly in world affairs, but that has been doubly true since Uranus entered Aries in 2010. With the planet of unpredictability and upset in the sign Mars rules, he has been receiving something like an intravenous drip of caffeine. Continue reading

Weekly Forecast April 13: Pluto Retrograde, New Moon in Aries

Composite by Osk Ingad Alden, 2015.

Aries Composite by Osk Ingad Alden, 2015.

It’s said that in every ending there’s a new beginning, but we’re in a strange lunar cycle in which the beginning is likely to come first.

This is not necessarily a bad thing. Endings can be extremely painful, all the more so when the new beginning isn’t yet in sight. Most of us have experienced this anguish in the context of relationships. When your heart is broken, it’s hard to imagine the new person who might come along in a month or a year or maybe never. Sometimes the pain is so bad that we swear off relationships entirely, however temporary the sentiment may be. Continue reading

Weekly Forecast February 23: Venus and Mars Trine Saturn

Apalachicola Fog. © Gretchen Friedrich, 2015.

Apalachicola Fog. © Gretchen Friedrich, 2015.

This week starts out on a somewhat difficult note, but otherwise there are several positive planetary aspects, for individuals and the world in general.

We’re heading into the most intense month of the year, with stress that can feel overwhelming. That makes this week’s positive aspects all the more welcome. We might feel adrift in the fog, without a physical anchor, but there are ways to stay mentally and spiritually balanced. For some, supportive relationships have a steadying effect. Others feel a sense of continuity in creative projects, exercise routines, or spiritual practices Continue reading

Weekly Forecast February 16: New Moon in Aquarius, Sun Enters Pisces

First signs of spring. © Pat Paquette, 2015.

First signs of spring. © Pat Paquette, 2015.

This is a week for sudden endings – some foreseen – leading right into unexpected new beginnings, as the overall pace picks up considerably.

Wednesday’s rare New Moon occurs in the last degree of Aquarius – so close to the end that the Moon enters Pisces seven seconds later, with the Sun another three minutes behind. It’s so close that I couldn’t get my astrology software to show the New Moon in Aquarius. It rounds up to the nearest fraction of a degree, which puts it at 0 degrees Pisces. I’ll discuss more about this unusual New Moon below.

Mercury is now moving steadily forward (from our perspective here on Earth), in brainy air sign Aquarius. Projects that were delayed Continue reading

Weekly Forecast January 26: Venus Enters Pisces, Mars Sextile Pluto

Dancer Anabel Veloso in photo shoot for her 2009 Deje Flamenco production Nacidos del Mar.

Venus in Pisces: Dancer Anabel Veloso in a photo shoot for her 2009 flamenco show Nacidos del Mar.

This week’s astrological aspects are mostly favorable, but I don’t need to tell you that world events are getting serious and seriouser.

That trend is going to continue – and with increasing intensity – the closer we get to the seventh and final pass of the Uranus-Pluto square in mid-March. This astrological phenomenon is so strong that it overshadows just about every other aspect for the next four months. The one exception is the Saturn-Neptune square, which is working synergistically with Uranus and Pluto.

As I’ve written before, the final Uranus-Pluto square is different from the first six in that the others took place with Saturn in Scorpio, which reinforced Pluto in Capricorn so that we saw militarized police forces brutally suppressing movements for greater freedom and civil rights. There have been other Uranus-Pluto themes, but Continue reading

Weekly Forecast January 12: Mars Enters Pisces, Mars Square Saturn

The Tower of Babel, by Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1563.

The Tower of Babel, by Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1563.

The title of this week’s forecast might well have been, “On How One Thing Leads to Another and Comes Back Full Circle.”

While looking at charts for Wednesday’s terrorist attack in Paris, I was listening to a YouTube playlist of recordings by English musician William Orbit. I instantly gravitated to his work after hearing a clip in the 2004 docudrama What the #$*! Do We (K)now!? but hadn’t kept up with his new releases. Until this past week, I wasn’t familiar with his version of “Nimrod,” Continue reading