Tag Archives: Jupiter in Virgo

Weekly Forecast September 14: Mercury Retrograde, Saturn Enters Sagittarius

Composite art by Osk Ingad Alden, 2015.

Composite art by Osk Ingad Alden, 2015.

For the next two weeks, we’re in the twilight zone between eclipses, reinforced by this week’s Jupiter-Neptune opposition and Mercury retrograde.

All of this week’s major aspects occur within a 24-hour period on Thursday (Jupiter’s Day) and late Wednesday night in Western time zones. First, Jupiter opposes Neptune. Then Mercury turns retrograde in Libra, the sign of relationships and diplomacy. Several hours later, Saturn enters Sagittarius, where he will remain until December 2017. Over the next year, Saturn will square Neptune three times, pushing us out of the comfort zone of our beliefs and into the rugged terrain of truth. Continue reading