New Moon in Libra, October 17-18, 2009

New Moon in Libra
The New Moon offers us an opportunity to renew our understanding of the sign it falls in, and this month’s New Moon, at 24°59′ Libra, is no exception.

Libra is noted for being fair-minded, well-mannered, and loaded with charm, thanks to Venus, Libra’s ruling planet. In general, those with a strong Libra presence in their charts are better than most at concealing their cardinal natures behind a smokescreen of reasonability and sweetness. Don’t be fooled, because once all the options have been carefully weighed and a decision has been made, these natives can implement their decisions with ruthless dispatch. We’re talking cardinal air here – the intellect rules, not emotions. That said, you will usually get your “medicine” served up with a generous dose of Venusian sugar.

The New Moon in Libra is closely trine Neptune in Aquarius. While issues before the collective could be dealt with fairly, equitably and compassionately, this also could mean that our ability to get caught up with potential rather than actual is ratcheted up.

I know I have a somewhat jaundiced view of Neptune and am very wary of all the high-minded attributes often attributed to the nebulous one. Nonetheless, it never hurts to do a reality check any time he’s in the room. There is a very good reason most cultures and belief systems have stories or sayings meant to teach the importance of being grounded in reality before taking a leap of faith. One such saying that comes immediately to mind is, “Trust in Allah, but tether your camel first.”

The inconjunct, or quincunx, between Uranus in Pisces and the New Moon in Libra offers us opportunities to be of service in unique ways, if we can get anything done. Libra and Pisces have a very different dialogue than Virgo and Aquarius. At the very least, they are both polite and prefer a non-confrontational approach. The trick here is getting them to come to any conclusions! It can end up with Libra saying “you first” and Pisces saying, “no, you first” ad infinitum! Add in the exact semi-sextile between Uranus and Neptune, and we can end up totally sidetracked – not the most favorable atmosphere for launching new projects.

No discussion of a Libra lunation is complete without seeing what her ruling planet, Venus, is up to. Venus is overjoyed to be back in her home sign of Libra and is further comforted by a lovely sextile to Mars in party loving Leo. But, and it’s a big one, Venus is just recovering from an exact square to Pluto on October 15 and a conjunction with Saturn on October 13.

Jealousy and obsessive behaviors can crop up whenever Pluto aspects Venus. What Venus sees as being mildly flirtatious and just her normal charming self, Pluto can see as potentially threatening to their relationship. Honest, open dialogue can help head off problems with an emphasis on honest – Pluto is exceeding good at nuance and detecting lies.

While Saturn is great for being responsible and dependable, he doesn’t do romantic worth a darn. Since Venus is pulling away from the dour one quickly, this will soon feel like a bad dream and she can enjoy life for awhile anyway. When Saturn moves into Libra, everyone is going to be reminded about the importance of responsible, dependable behaviors in their relationships. Pat and I will be writing more about this big change soon.

The waxing trine from Mercury in Libra to Jupiter in Aquarius makes it easy to come up with ideas designed to benefit the collective as well as take an upbeat approach to problem-solving. Between now and October 20 is the best time to take advantage of this energy.

Ceres, mistress of cycles and seasons, is now in Scorpio and sextile Pluto in Capricorn. Add in the Sabian symbol for 25 Libra, “The sight of an autumn leaf brings to a pilgrim the sudden revelation of the mystery of life and death,” and we have a potent reminder to pay attention to endings, beginnings and all cycles of death and rebirth. The leaves fall to the earth, rotting over winter to provide nutrients in the spring, when the sap rises for the tree to bloom anew. In our own lives, we need to pay attention and release what we have outgrown, to make way for something new. If we don’t, we take the risk of having Pluto rip it away . . . and don’t think he won’t.

In honor of Libra season, please take a moment to say “please” and “thank you,” the more heartfelt the better. Expressions of appreciation never go out of style, and seeing another’s face light up when receiving those is a reward in and of itself.

Libra loves beautyposted by Neith . . .

Of course, today is the day to write your New Moon abundance checks! Here’s how.

** Neith is still not accepting new clients and is not sure when she will be able to, thanks to Uranus transits. **

Image: A lovely crescent moon rising behind the trees. Photo by Pat Paquette, all rights reserved.

13 thoughts on “New Moon in Libra, October 17-18, 2009

  1. deb

    YAY. Very well done. Except for the death part and Pluto potentially being a meanie.

    If I were a pilgrim with glue and construction paper and paint, I might make an art project out of a handful of colorful leaves. Or I might take a dive into a huge pile of them. Or I might hop to work on making some soup and stocking up for the colder season.

    Sorry. The Libra in me is trying to turn the mystery of life and death into optimism somehow.



  2. Neith Post author

    Yeah, deb, just feeling Mars in Cancer transiting my 8th squaring my Sun – brings out my “BITE ME” scorp side. LOL

    I have my fingers crossed the hard freeze we had over the weekend didn’t completely stop all the leaves from continuing to color up.


  3. hitchhiker72

    ** Neith is still not accepting new clients and is not sure when she will be able to, thanks to Uranus transits. **

    Cracked me up! LOL

    It occurred to me that Uranus will be free of Saturn for a bit after this. Time to go a bit wild? (Just a bit…)


  4. Neith Post author

    Hey HH72!

    It is true you know! My life has been one distraction/interruption after another ever since Uranus hit my IC. It didn’t bother me all that much passing through the second & third houses but the Angular houses are something else again.

    One thing about Uranus transits, they are good for determining if your chart wheel is accurate and what house system works best for you. I’m going to watch as Uranus approaches my fifth house cusp. There are several art projects that have languished due to lack of time and energy and we’ll see if Uranus moving into the fifth will reinvigorate my interest in them!


  5. Eme Kah

    “Honest, open dialogue can help head off problems with an emphasis on honest – Pluto is exceeding good at nuance and detecting lies.”

    I forget this about Pluto. It’s not such a bad thing to be so honest, you know. Interesting how it’s also linked to manipulation, though. What do you make of that?


  6. inishglora

    While Saturn is great for being responsible and dependable, he doesn’t do romantic worth a darn.

    This explains much about me, since he’s my chart ruler and all. Good thing my Libra stellium, Venus in Libra and the Gemini Asc combines to offset the dourness a bit! :o)


  7. hitchhiker72

    I understand. Uranus went over my IC a couple of years back too. I think the last contact it made, I moved cities.

    ‘While Saturn is great for being responsible and dependable, he doesn’t do romantic worth a darn. Since Venus is pulling away from the dour one quickly, this will soon feel like a bad dream and she can enjoy life for awhile anyway. When Saturn moves into Libra, everyone is going to be reminded about the importance of responsible, dependable behaviors in their relationships.’

    Can’t wait. Not feeling Jupiter buoyancy at all. Jupiter’s overrated… Feeling Venus-Saturn-Pluto. Venus rules my 6th house. The day she met Saturn on my natal Pluto was the day I suddenly got hit by the flu – which is the psychic equivalent of getting hit by a truck. I almost never get sick.


  8. les

    Oh, Uranus moving into your 5th house – how fun! With your pMoon in the 3rd, maybe lots of creative writing?

    This Libra New Moon will land on my North Node. Not sure what that will bring. Jupiter stationed on my Descendant opposite my Moon and going forward could be good (once I stop pigging out). Not sure what’s had me restless lately, but Jupiter is making a nice sextile to my Saturn in 5th and trine my NN in 3rd – maybe get my own creative juices flowing! Or I’ll just lay on the couch and keep eating… (at least the relationship is benefiting from Jup). :-)


  9. deb

    Oh, I know the “bite me” Scorp side well, yes. I once wrote that in the sand and photographed it for my “records”, you know 0:).

    Hang in there. We’re supposed to get a Nor’Easter blast this weekend ourselves. Brr…


  10. Neith Post author

    Hey Eme Kah!

    It’s not such a bad thing to be so honest, you know. Interesting how it’s also linked to manipulation, though. What do you make of that?

    My Libra side says Be honest but apply a little tact now and again. Sagittarius can use honesty like a club at times and Aries is also noted for shooting first and asking questions later!

    Please give me an example of honesty & manipulation. I think I know what you are referring to but . . . :-D


  11. Neith Post author

    Hi inishglora!

    This explains much about me, since he’s my chart ruler and all. Good thing my Libra stellium, Venus in Libra and the Gemini Asc combines to offset the dourness a bit! :o)

    Heh, you have the option of using your “dourness” like a mask, then dropping it when you wish to. We all appreciate your humor and wit around here!!

    How is your dad doing? Still improving??


  12. Neith Post author

    Hi HH72,

    First, I sure hope you have recovered from your bout of the flu.

    Not feeling Jupiter buoyancy at all. Jupiter’s overrated… Feeling Venus-Saturn-Pluto. Venus rules my 6th house. The day she met Saturn on my natal Pluto was the day I suddenly got hit by the flu – which is the psychic equivalent of getting hit by a truck. I almost never get sick.

    Last time I had the flu, tMars was exactly conjunct my SNode in my first house. Very cathartic but I was flattened for about a week over the Christmas holidays. Jupiter had just entered Sagittarius, supposedly a reason to feel up, and was also in my first house. Overdid the chocolate, big time!


  13. Neith Post author

    Hey les!

    Oh, Uranus moving into your 5th house – how fun! With your pMoon in the 3rd, maybe lots of creative writing?

    Wow! Thanks for pointing this out!! My pMoon is due to move into Aquarius at the end of January 2010. Like most of us, I look forward to a change of pace and the pMoon changing signs usually gives us exactly that. Changes in the wind!

    Or I’ll just lay on the couch and keep eating… (at least the relationship is benefiting from Jup). :-)

    LOL! I doubt if you will get too carried away with eating! Enjoy the moment and your relationship. Winter is showing signs of showing up earlier and we might as well make the most of autumn while it’s still around. :-)


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