Category Archives: New Moon

Weekly Forecast September 6: Venus Direct, New Moon Eclipse in Virgo

After the Rain. © Pat Paquette, 2015.

After the Rain. © Pat Paquette, 2015.

The sun emerged Sunday afternoon after three days of driving rain and a windstorm that hurled tree branches through the air like missiles. I could hear the cracking as they split off the trunks – a terrifying sound when you live at the bottom of a slope covered in tall trees.

The sun stayed out just long enough for me to go for a short walk. It clouded over again before I was back at my computer, with showers in the forecast for the rest of the week. As I was walking, I was thinking about the approaching winter. We don’t get a lot of snow in the Seattle area, but it’s cold, wet, dark, and dismal. The memory of it begins rising Continue reading

Weekly Forecast June 15: New Moon in Gemini, Sun Enters Cancer

Composite by Osk Ingad Alden, 2015.

Composite by Osk Ingad Alden, 2015.

We’re still floating along in a Neptunian fog, but this week has a couple of positive shifts that should make life more bearable overall, maybe even fun.

Oh, dear. Did I just use the “F” word? Must be all the sleep I got over the past week. Apparently it has made me feisty. If I could put that in a bottle, I would be a millionaire, and all those Lunesta moths would be out of work. (Did you know that luna moths belong to a family called saturniids?)

There’s going to be a lot of feistiness in the air this week, for better or for worse, with the New Moon in Gemini conjunct Mars. Continue reading

Weekly Forecast May 18: New Moon in Taurus, Mercury Turns Retrograde

New Moon in Taurus 2015 collageThis is going to be a tough week before it started.

Mercury isn’t retrograde yet as I write this, and already I’ve experienced several Rx moments. The most unnerving was was getting a phone call on Friday morning before I was awake, reaching for the phone, and … nothing. The screen froze. “No problem,” I thought. “I’ll just reboot it.” Power switch didn’t work. Remove the battery? Tried it twice. Nope and nope.

Fortunately, I have drop-step-on-run-over-fall-in-the-toilet-Mercury-retrograde insurance, but it means being without a phone for a day or two. I was about to submit the form and had a sudden idea to try one more thing, stupid as it sounded. I plugged in the charger. The phone shuddered and Continue reading

Weekly Forecast April 13: Pluto Retrograde, New Moon in Aries

Composite by Osk Ingad Alden, 2015.

Aries Composite by Osk Ingad Alden, 2015.

It’s said that in every ending there’s a new beginning, but we’re in a strange lunar cycle in which the beginning is likely to come first.

This is not necessarily a bad thing. Endings can be extremely painful, all the more so when the new beginning isn’t yet in sight. Most of us have experienced this anguish in the context of relationships. When your heart is broken, it’s hard to imagine the new person who might come along in a month or a year or maybe never. Sometimes the pain is so bad that we swear off relationships entirely, however temporary the sentiment may be. Continue reading

Weekly Forecast December 15: Uranus Turns Direct, Solstice New Moon

White Solstice. © Gretchen Friedrich, 2014.

White Solstice. © Gretchen Friedrich, 2014.

Events in the coming week, plus Saturn’s entry into Sagittarius the following Wednesday, make for a nerve-wracking, exciting, stressful, hopeful, overwhelming end to a year that has been “all of the above” and more.

Oh, and did I mention stressful?

I got a call yesterday from a friend who has been in the same administrative job for 20 years that, while hectic, has been predictable, for the most part. She told me that the past few months have easily been the worst in her professional life, largely due to a new computer system that was supposed to be the latest and greatest but turned into a nightmare. To give me an idea, she said Continue reading

Weekly Forecast March 24: Mercury Sextile Pluto, New Moon in Aries

New Moon in Aries

© Dan Collier for

The big news this week is the New Moon in Aries on March 30, the first New Moon of the spring and the astrological year.

Although the New Moon doesn’t take place for another week as of this post, the tension is evident already on Monday, when in just over four hours, the Moon in Capricorn aspects Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto. These three planets have been in a volatile “T-square” configuration that is the astrological signature corresponding to the surge in global conflict, especially popular uprisings and overthrow of governments.

The New Moon falls less than 3 degrees from Uranus, the planet of rebellion and sudden change. Uranus in Aries is impatient and wants change now; thus the revolutions in which Continue reading

Weekly Forecast January 27: New Moon in Aquarius, Venus Direct

Chinese New Year Poetry, by Peter Morgan.

Chinese New Year Poetry, by Peter Morgan.

Right on cue, the news headlines are increasingly dramatic as we head into another cardinal T-square this week.

Retrograde Jupiter has been approaching opposition with Pluto, and he’ll also form an exact square with Uranus in late February. That means we’re under the influence of this volatile configuration yet again, and for the entire month. Mercury turns retrograde on February 6, adding to the disruption in the weeks ahead.

I suppose the good news is that we’ve been in such disarray that we’re used to its being the rule rather than the exception. Besides that, many of us have been in need of positive change for a long time now, and there are indications that we can realize some of what we’ve been hoping for while planetary energies are in such a state of flux. Although a little stability would be comforting right about now, it’s not compatible with the major shakeups that need to happen for us to get where we want to go. Likewise, the changes we want to see in the world can’t happen without turbulence.

Thursday’s New Moon in Aquarius is a perfect setup for positive developments to emerge from disorder. Not only is Aquarius the sign of innovation and unconventional ideas, but the New Moon makes a dynamic sextile with Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius. In other words, the New Moon provides an outlet for the combative energies of the T-square. You can see it easily in the chart; look for the blue line emanating from the apex of the triangle.

New Moon in Aquarius

Click on image to enlarge

The other two blue lines in the chart connect Jupiter and Pluto to Chiron. I’ve been writing for some time about the Pluto-Chiron sextile, which has been in effect since early 2012 and represents transformation and healing of deep wounds, in individuals and humanity as a whole. The trine from Jupiter to Chiron provides an additional boost. I know it doesn’t seem like humans have learned much in 5,000 years and that we’re an inherently violent species, but statistics show otherwise. On the whole, we’re getting smarter and more peaceful. Then, you’d never know it reading news headlines written to maximize advertising revenue. Even though we’re smarter overall, “Suicide Bomb Kills 30” still gets more readers than “Man Saves Baby in Bombing Attack” (he might get a mention in the 18th paragraph).

This New Moon also holds the potential for rewards missed at the difficult New Moon in Capricorn on January 1. Usually, the New Moon begins a new cycle, with a culmination, resolution, or landmark event at the Full Moon. However, that New Moon was all about endings, and the Full Moon in Cancer on January 15 was more about clearing space for something new to develop. This New Moon is much more promising, and new doors should start opening. What those doors lead you to depends on where the New Moon falls in your natal chart.

Also, Venus has been retrograde since December 21, which corresponds to some delays, especially regarding finances and relationship matters. Venus turns direct on Friday. Whatever might have been stalled will be freed up to move forward. Venus stations direct in close conjunction with Pluto, so she’s also part of the cardinal T-square. This pair signifies intense desire, especially for money or sex. However, Capricorn is frugal, practical, and patient, with the ability to control primal urges. If you’ve had to let go of something or if you’ve been enduring excruciating delays, the shift after Venus begins moving forward could be startling.
Earlier on Friday, the opposition from Jupiter to Pluto is exact. A few hours later, Mercury enters Pisces, although he’ll only dip his foot in the water before turning retrograde on February 6 and returning to Aquarius on February 12. I’ll have more about that next week.

Chinese New Year 2014 3Considering how challenging the New Moon on January 1 was, this week’s New Moon could feel more like New Year’s. As it so happens, it’s the Chinese New Year, marking the beginning of the Year of the Wood Horse. The last Wood Horse year was 1954; it takes 60 years to cycle through the twelve Chinese animal signs and five elements (fire, earth, metal, water, and wood). The Western astrological sign that corresponds to the Horse is fast-paced Gemini. I have no idea what that means in terms of forecasting 2014, except that Gemini is an Internet wiz, so we can Google it and find a forecast from a real Chinese astrologer.

May all your wishes be fulfilled,
Aquarius, the sign of astrologyPat

© Pat Paquette,, 2013.

New Moon in Capricorn, January 1, 2014

Odysseus in front of Scylla and Charybdis, by Henry Fuseli, c. 1795

Odysseus in front of Scylla and Charybdis, by Henry Fuseli, c. 1795

Over the past few days, I’ve read several comments online to the effect of, “Good riddance, 2013.”

Not so fast.

An intense planetary configuration on New Year’s Day with after-effects lingering into July might make you long for the old year. Then again, challenging aspects such as these can come with changes that are long overdue.

The image that immediately comes to mind is the passage in The Odyssey in which Odysseus must sail through the dangerous strait between Scylla, the six-headed monster, and Charybdis, the deadly whirlpool. The phrase “caught between a rock and hard place” has its roots in this story. Odysseus, as you may recall from Mythology 101, fought in the Continue reading

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer, July 1

This image of the total eclipse of the Sun on July 11, 2010, was shot in French Polynesia by Terry Evans of Exmoor, UK, whose birthday was that day! The July 1 eclipse will be partial.

Another week and we’ll be out of the inter-eclipse Twilight Zone. It has been a strange trip indeed.

You’ll recall in a previous post that I said big changes were on the way for me, but I was going to wait until after the July 1 eclipse to take definitive action. Well, less than 24 hours after the June 15 eclipse, my plans for this fall totally fell through … or so I thought. A few hours later I received news that the original message had been an error. So it looks like everything is on track. Still, I’m waiting to make a final commitment until after the eclipses are well behind us.

At 9 degrees Cancer, the New Moon solar eclipse on July 1 is the last of the Capricorn-Cancer eclipse series and represents a wrap-up or resolution of a difficult situation that began in mid-2009. You may have another couple of weeks of “cleanup” to do – until the Full Moon on July 15. But overall, the challenge you’ve faced for the past two years will fade away in the rearview mirror, and not a moment too soon! Everyone is exhausted and ready for a break.

Tennis diva Serena Williams is a perfect example. With her Sun at 3 degrees Libra in the sixth house (health), Serena suffered one debilitating health problem after another, starting with a leg injury in April 2009. Last July, just as the cardinal T-square was approaching a peak directly on her Sun, she stepped on glass in a restaurant and required surgery. While in rehab earlier this year, she was treated for blood clots in her lungs. After a year of not being able to compete, she returned to Wimbleton last Tuesday, won her opening round, and broke down in a flood of tears.

“It definitely was so emotional for me because, you know, throughout the last 12 months, I’ve been through, a lot of things that’s not normal,” she said on her website. “So it’s just been a long, arduous road. To stand up still is pretty awesome.”

That pretty much says it all! Most of us have had a harrowing two years, complicated by the eclipses in cardinal Capricorn and Cancer. And while the last one forms a tense grand cross with Saturn, Uranus and Pluto, I still feel that it’s going to be a relief for us, and that the tears we shed will include tears of gratitude that we’re still here and still standing.

Chart for Eclipse

Click on image to enlarge

I have to admit that the chart for this eclipse is intimidating, dominated by a bright red grand cross. However, I remain optimistic, because there are two very clear “outs” – paths where blocked energy can flow and be put to positive use.

The first out is a trine between Pluto and Jupiter. This easy aspect supports transformation and positive change. Finding solutions to wicked problems (as a friend of mine calls them) requires expanding the mind. We can do that now. Both planets are in earth signs, suggest tangible, material results.

The second out flows between Saturn and Mars, the planet of action. In Gemini, it’s speedy action, too, although there’s a risk that there may be more talk than action. Still, with Saturn recently returned direct and Mars in an air sign, we can put on our thinking caps, come up with realistic plans, and do the hard work necessary to get the results we want. And it will be hard work. The inconjunct between Mars and Pluto suggests that acting without thinking things through could end up a total waste of energy.

The real difficulty I see here is the square from the Sun and Moon to Saturn. For many of us, moving in a new direction required leaving something or someone behind. Even though we may feel confident that we made the right decision, loss is sad and painful. Cancer is the sentimental sign of the zodiac, so we could be very emotional for a day or two on either side of the eclipse.

I’ll be back tomorrow with the Weekly Forecast. In the meantime, if you want a look ahead at what July will bring for you personally, I highly recommend StarGuide Monthly, my new transit forecast. Or, if you prefer, order StarGuide Seasons and get three months rolled into one at a discount of nearly 15 percent. Although I’m not writing reports from scratch anymore, I designed these forecasts to be 100-percent personalized, using your exact birth data. To see what you get with this report, check out my samples for George Clooney and Julian Assange.

Aquarius, the sign of astrologyPat

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini, June 1

© Pat Paquette, 2011.

The New Moon on Wednesday, June 1, is the first of three eclipses that occur one right after another in June and July. Changes happen very fast now.

At 11 degrees Gemini, this New Moon is ruled by normally speedy Mercury, who’s not so speedy in slow and deliberate Taurus. Nevertheless, eclipses tend to bring abrupt change, usually too fast for comfort. It looks to me like many of these changes will be positive, but there will be hurdles to jump, too.

Although there’s going to be a shift in the next few days, as of this New Moon, Venus still dominates the sky. All of the planets deposit to her except Neptune, who is way out there in a world of his own as he stations retrograde. Perhaps that’s why so many of us have been feeling spacey and “not all here” for the past week or so. I’ll have more on these shifting energies in my weekly forecast.

The most compelling thing I see about this New Moon is that new patterns are visibly manifesting on the planet and in our lives, and this process will accelerate in the next six weeks.

In my Full Moon post, I discussed the symbolism of Medusa, the scary monster who turned men to stone but who in reality was an ancient, wise goddess. With Venus “in charge” of this New Moon eclipse, feminine energy not only is rising, but we’re beginning to see it integrating with its polar opposite. Isn’t it interesting that we’re seeing so many powerful men being called to account for sexist and abusive behavior toward women? If that’s not an encounter with Medusa, I don’t know what is.

Gemini is, of course, the sign of polar opposites. At the Gemini New Moon, we assimilate new information we downloaded on Wesak – all the more so this year, with not one but three eclipses directly following the opening of a portal. The New Moon typically represents new beginnings, and an eclipse is like a supercharged New Moon. In Gemini, polarized opposites can be integrated into a greater whole.

What makes me particularly optimistic about this New Moon is its favorable angle to Saturn, who’s slowing down in preparation for returning direct on June 12. Although Saturn has a well-deserved reputation as the planet of tough lessons, he also rules the physical plane. Nothing could manifest without the structural foundations that Saturn represents. And while Saturn forms a difficult cardinal T-square with Pluto and Uranus, the trine from the New Moon represents an easy path for frustrated energies to flow.

At 10 degrees Libra, Saturn is stationed right on the fixed star of Porrima. It gets a little complicated here, because Porrima is in the constellation of Virgo. This discrepancy is due to precession, which I’ve explained in previous posts.

Porrima, at the Virgin’s waist, was named for a Roman goddess of prophecy who actually may have been two sisters, one who looked forward and one who looked back. In a case of “as above, so below,” it so happens that Porrima is a binary star – a fact that couldn’t have been known when the star was named. To Persian astronomers, this star was known as Zawiat al Awwa, which meant the “turn,” signifying the point where the line of stars in Virgo bends.

So, here we have Saturn at a particularly powerful stage of turning direct, in Libra, the sign of balanced relationships, conjunct a star that represents a turn in the road, where we can look both behind us and ahead.

I’d say something very interesting is about to manifest for many of us in the next six weeks. For those recently out of a relationship, you’ll be able to look back and see the situation for what it was and, at the same time, to look forward to what’s next.

In my previous post, I also mentioned Aldebaran, the “eye of the bull” and symbol of the third eye, which is associated with psychic powers and the ability to see into other dimensions. At the eclipse, the Sun and Moon are within two degrees of Aldebaran.

Ophiuchus also gets a foot in the door at this eclipse. The lunar North Node, which determines when and in what sign eclipses occur, is closely conjunct Imad, the star at the Serpent Bearer’s foot, which dips down across the ecliptic. Imad means “pillar” or “support.” Snakes represent wisdom and healing through higher consciousness, which requires that you’re grounded and on solid footing. The North Node also will be close to the Galactic Center, the source of radio waves that I believe convey intuitive knowledge to those with the sensitivity to hear.

I should mention that Mercury will be square Neptune at this New Moon, not a combination for clear and concise thinking. As you’re downloading all that new information, keep in mind that you won’t have very effective filters. Those of you who are exceptionally psychic may be so overwhelmed that you find it hard to function normally. Solitude and rest will help. It’s also likely that some false information and delusionary thinking will creep in. You won’t know which is which until a few days have passed, so don’t jump right into anything new without allowing time for processing.

I leave you with this image of Saturn conjunct Porrima, photographed by Astro Bob:
Spring’s newest ‘double-double’ star

Aquarius, the sign of astrologyPat

P.S. Be sure to write your abundance check!