Weekly Forecast May 3: Sun Square Mars

Peaceful reflection. © James A. Weythman.

Most of this week’s aspects are fairly low-key, given what we’ve been dealing with over the past several months. It’s a great time to take a short vacation.

Mercury is still retrograde and making mischief with travel plans, especially if you’re on a business trip. But now that he’s speeding along in reverse, the logjams are clearing. Travelers waylaid by the eruption of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland are making their way home, and at least one airline that refused to reimburse passengers the cost of meals and lodging was forced to recant.

Still, there are a lot of mix-ups over airline policies to sell tickets to new passengers, while stranded customers are being told they have to wait for an available seat. It may take until the next Mercury retrograde, which begins on August 20, for everyone to get due compensation.

We also are still very much in the shadow of the Saturn-Uranus opposition. I wrote a post some time ago on what you might expect in your personal life during this transit, and that still applies. These themes will continue to play out in your life until this fall.

Otherwise, this week’s aspects are fleeting and won’t last more than a few days. Taking the week chronologically, retrograde Mercury trines Pluto on Monday. Watch for headlines for more news of violations in the banking industry and other embarrassing revelations for global financial institutions. Personal revelations could be humbling, too, particularly if you’ve got skeletons in your closet.

On Tuesday, the Sun in Taurus squares Mars in Leo. With the “ego” planets in conflict, there’s a risk that what starts as a simple disagreement will end in a defensive standoff. Some of us will express ourselves loudly and angrily, while others will make their feelings known in a passive-aggressive manner. The silent treatment is every bit as loud and angry as yelling obscenities at someone, and it can provoke serious backlash. The Moon adds more fuel to the fire when she enters Aquarius on Wednesday.

Things calm down after the middle of the week, and we can relax for a bit. Venus forms an easygoing sextile to Mars on Friday. Too bad this influence doesn’t last longer, because it converts to more-harmonious relationships of all kinds. If you’re feeling more creative than usual, do something with your ideas. At the very least, write them out in detail. Likewise, if you find a good financial opportunity, do some research. With Mercury retrograde, now isn’t the time to act, but you could stumble on some extremely valuable information that will be your ace in the hole next week.

The Moon is in gentle Pisces from Friday to Sunday, making this a weekend to rest, recuperate, and reflect. The Moon conjoins Jupiter and Uranus and then a few hours later opposes Saturn, so if you’re celebrating Mother’s Day, breakfast or brunch are the best alternatives for fun and surprises.

I’m taking my own advice and going out of town this week. I’ve left several posts scheduled, so you won’t miss me.

Wishing you a joyful week of love and abundance,
Aquarius, the sign of astrologyPat

4 thoughts on “Weekly Forecast May 3: Sun Square Mars

  1. les

    I had to laugh at the opening line about low-key aspects. In the general sky, yes, but in my case tMars is exact on my natal Uranus, so low-key is not how I’d put it! It’s also within 3-4 degrees of my Ascendant and Moon now, so it’s kicking up some dust, but at least it’s coming out into the open rather than hiding in my 12th. I am looking forward to that nice trine from tVenus. Hope you’re enjoying your vacation!


  2. Pat Post author

    Thanks, Joe. It was not restful, but it certainly was interesting! In fact, I was not too far from your neck of the woods and thought of you.

    One thing I will say, though, is that my experience was a perfect example that when you work with the energy of Mercury retrograde, things can work out pretty well. Although I experienced some horrendous communications problems, there were very few delays or glitches in the travel itself. I even had a couple of additional opportunities, due to remaining open and flexible. It was quite a thrill overall.


  3. Pat Post author

    Les, you are absolutely right that an overall forecast is just that and doesn’t address specifics of individual charts. My weekly forecasts are general overviews and might be compared to a weather report for all of North America. The most you can say is, “It’s spring, the days are lengthening, there’s unseasonably cold weather in the Great Plains and record heat in the South,” etc. To get the local weather, you have to turn to your own channel.

    That’s why it’s a good idea to get your own personal astrological forecast from a professional astrologer. Or, if you’re qualified, to look for the details in your own chart.

    As for Mars, he was directly opposite my Sun during this trip, and you can be sure I felt it!


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