Tag Archives: supermoon

Weekly Forecast September 28: Sun Conjunct Mercury

"Of course it's OK to take those bags of money at your feet, John, and here's a bonus. Would I lie to you?"

“Of course it’s OK to take those bags of money at your feet, John, and here’s a bonus. Would I lie to you?”

There’s only one major planetary aspect this week, giving us a chance to catch our breath after all the shifting that happened last week. However, it will not be business as usual.

As the week begins, we’re still in the wake of Sunday’s powerful lunar eclipse in Aries. Events related to this eclipse will continue to unfold through Wednesday. That said, when eclipses are this intense, events can occur up to three months ve. For some, life events that correspond to this eclipse already have happened.

Eclipses can bring rapid changes, often faster than we can cope with. In that regard, Mercury retrograde could be a blessing, as news of a big change could come a few weeks before the actual change. Keep in mind, though, that everything is subject to revision Continue reading

Weekly Forecast September 21: Sun Enters Libra, Full Moon Eclipse in Aries

Aries Eclipse Sept 2015This week is the second most significant in 2015, astrologically speaking, with several shifts and a lunar eclipse, the last of four in a row.

The first shift is the Sun’s entry into Libra, the fall or spring equinox, depending on whether you’re north or south of the equator. In Western culture, the equinox is considered the first day of fall, but I view it as mid-autumn. We’re now in the final descent into the dark days of winter.

The two key associations of Libra are personal relationships and diplomacy, which is just a large-scale relationship between nations. Many of the same principles apply: listening and responding, give and take, negotiating and compromise. The point is to achieve balance and harmony, Continue reading

Weekly Forecast January 19: New Moon in Aquarius, Mercury Retrograde

© Dan Collier for Dreamstime.com

© Dan Collier for Dreamstime.com

This week brings three major astrological events and a couple of lesser ones. There are bright spots and inspiring moments, but also a vague feeling of “ickiness” that we can’t identify, let alone figure out what to do with.

The ick factor comes on early in the week, with a conjunction of Mars and Neptune in Pisces on Monday. On Tuesday, the Sun enters Aquarius, less than four hours before the New Moon. On Wednesday, Mercury turns retrograde and will be in “reverse” until February 11.

For many people in the United States, Monday is a work holiday, in celebration of Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday. Astrologically, it’s not a bad day for commemorating Dr. King’s commitment to non-violent civil disobedience. Continue reading

How Saturday’s Virgo Full Moon Will Look

I found this great visual to help understand Saturday’s “supermoon” Full Moon in Virgo and wanted to share it with all of you. Let me also take this opportunity to encourage everyone to hang in there, despite any endings you may experience in the next few days. Anything you’re forced to let go of now is in preparation for the new doors that will open for you at the powerful Aries New Moon on April 3.

Aquarius, the sign of astrologyPat

Learn what makes a big full moon a true 'supermoon' in this SPACE.com infographic.
Source SPACE.com: All about our solar system, outer space and exploration