Category Archives: Full Moon

Weekly Forecast September 21: Sun Enters Libra, Full Moon Eclipse in Aries

Aries Eclipse Sept 2015This week is the second most significant in 2015, astrologically speaking, with several shifts and a lunar eclipse, the last of four in a row.

The first shift is the Sun’s entry into Libra, the fall or spring equinox, depending on whether you’re north or south of the equator. In Western culture, the equinox is considered the first day of fall, but I view it as mid-autumn. We’re now in the final descent into the dark days of winter.

The two key associations of Libra are personal relationships and diplomacy, which is just a large-scale relationship between nations. Many of the same principles apply: listening and responding, give and take, negotiating and compromise. The point is to achieve balance and harmony, Continue reading

Weekly Forecast August 24: Sun Conjunct Jupiter, Full Moon in Pisces

Dismaland brochure. No joke. More info at

No joke. More info at

The Sun is now in Virgo, and after this week’s Full Moon in Pisces, we’ll be counting down to the third eclipse of 2015.

The Sun’s tour through Leo is vacation time for many in the Northern Hemisphere, with summer picnics, barbecues, and days spent at the beach. But there has been a decided lack in festiveness, in part due to the record-breaking heat. We’ve also been under a blanket of Venus retrograde in Leo. Venus in Leo normally is the party girl, but in reverse, she’s not in a partying mood. We’ve got two more weeks of this to go.

In the meantime, the Sun’s shift into Virgo signals the time to get back to work, focus on diet and health, and start thinking more critically about important issues rather than forming opinions based on something we read on Facebook or in the mainstream news. Continue reading

Weekly Forecast July 27: Full Moon in Aquarius, Saturn Direct

Composite by Osk Ingad Alden, 2015.

Composite by Osk Ingad Alden, 2015.

Is anyone feeling like Mercury is retrograde? He’s not, but the combination of Venus and Uranus turning retrograde together came with its own unique blend of frustrations, delays, and computer glitches.

I’m sorry to report that this week could be even worse in that regard, with Saturn stationing on Sunday (August 2; late Saturday night in Western time zones). Financial transactions are particularly vulnerable to snafus, so plan ahead by having cash on hand. Last weekend, when a flood of tourists arrived on little Vashon for our annual Strawberry Festival, the supermarket was running out of cash and had to limit the amount customers could get back on debit-card purchases. That’s just a small example of the kind of situation that Continue reading

Weekly Forecast June 29: Full Moon in Capricorn, Venus Conjunct Jupiter

Composite by Osk Ingad Alden, 2015.

Composite by Osk Ingad Alden, 2015.

With the pain and setbacks of the past few weeks still heavy on our minds and in our hearts, we’re at last getting some encouraging news, with real signs of progress.

This week looks good for more positive change, with fortunate planets Venus and Jupiter finally reaching exact conjunction – and it’s going to be a spectacular sight. Better still, both planets are in a positive trine to Uranus the Awakener. An intense Full Moon on Wednesday shows us how far we’ve come and what we’ve had to sacrifice to get to a new place, and it hints about the fights still ahead. For now, though, we can celebrate in gratitude and heap loads of love and appreciation on our comrades in arms. Continue reading

Weekly Forecast May 4: Sun Trine Pluto, Venus Enters Cancer

Composite by Osk Ingad Alden, 2015.

Composite by Osk Ingad Alden, 2015.

This week is mostly about the Full Moon in Scorpio, which occurs on Sunday night in the United States and Monday morning in Europe.

Because it technically fell within last week’s forecast period, I covered it last week. However, I didn’t realize last week that this Full Moon is Wesak, the celebration of the birth, death, and transformation of the Buddha. Normally it falls at the Scorpio Full Moon in sidereal astrology, a different system practiced in Eastern countries that is a month “behind” Western astrology. The sidereal Full Moon in Scorpio is on June 2. But apparently it’s more complicated than that and historically has always been in May Continue reading

Weekly Forecast April 27: Mercury Enters Gemini, Full Moon in Scorpio

Composite by Osk Ingad Alden and Pat Paquette, 2015.

Composite by Osk Ingad Alden and Pat Paquette, 2015.

The pace remains fairly low key this week, and yet our thoughts start racing in a struggle to make sense of the barrage of information we encounter daily.

Many people understand or are beginning to realize that much of the information we receive is meaningless. It’s like loading up on junk food, which is cheap and readily available. After living on a diet of this stuff for so long, one tends to develop a taste for it, and then it’s hard to appreciate healthy alternatives. In time, real food becomes a distant memory.

Likewise, many of those born since the 1980s don’t remember what real journalism was like. We had Continue reading

Weekly Forecast March 30: Mars Enters Taurus, Full Moon Eclipse in Libra

Image courtesy NASA, Fred Espenak.

Image courtesy NASA, Fred Espenak.

I probably don’t need to tell you that we’re in volatile, dangerous astrological territory.

This week, there is a total lunar eclipse, the third of four in a row, known as a “tetrad.” It comes on the heels of a total eclipse of the Sun two weeks earlier, which occurred just hours before the Aries equinox, one of the most powerful points in the zodiac. At the peak of this week’s lunar eclipse, the Sun in Aries is in close alignment with Uranus and in a square with Pluto.

Even though Uranus is moving away from the square with Pluto, it will be close for several weeks and thus will remain a major underlying signature in world events. Continue reading

Weekly Forecast March 2: Jupiter Trine Uranus, Full Moon in Virgo

The Sky Is Not Blue. © Pat Paquette, 2015.

White Sky, Gold Trees. © Pat Paquette, 2015.

Right on cue, the whole world seems to be going crazy as we enter the most astrologically tumultuous period of 2015.

Amid so much chaos and confusion, how do you find out what’s really going on? There’s no such thing as objective, unbiased media anymore. Comment sections are filled with the ranting of paid trolls intent on shutting down any meaningful debate. Hell, we can’t even trust our own eyes. Is that dress blue and black, or white and gold? Maybe the sky isn’t blue?

The Full Moon in Virgo on Thursday brings some much-needed discernment, critical thinking, and rational analysis. It’s hard to Continue reading

Weekly Forecast November 3: Full Moon in Taurus, Mercury Enters Scorpio

© Pat Paquette, 2014.

© Pat Paquette, 2014.

In 1997, I sold everything I owned, found good homes for my two cats, and went to France to write a novel.

The novel never got done (a story in itself, for another time), but the experience changed my life. One of the most important lessons I learned was that it’s actually possible to feel richer than the queen of England and not spend a cent. My record, as I recall, was an entire week. Not one centime.

When I made the leap, I was living in California. I intended to stay in France for three months – long enough to get a good feel for the location of my story – but I ended up going back and forth for several years. Continue reading

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aries, October 18

Aries Eclipse 13Friday’s Full Moon at 25°51′ Aries occurs with the first in a new series of eclipses in the Libra-Aries sign pair, although there are still three in the Scorpio-Taurus series, one of which is a powerful solar eclipse on November 3.

This Friday’s lunar eclipse is penumbral; that is, it passes through part of the earth’s shadow. It’s not as dramatic as a total lunar eclipse, which can make the Moon look a creepy blood red. Still, it’s significant astrologically, especially since this is the first eclipse in a new sign pair.

The ruler of this Full Moon is Mars, the planet of action and aggression. Since ancient times, astrologers have observed the movements of Mars to predict wars and other disasters. As I noted in my weekly forecast, Mars just entered Virgo on Tuesday (“Mars day”) and immediately conjoined Regulus, one of the four Royal Stars of Persia and sign of kings. Also in conjunction was Comet ISON, which isn’t visible yet with the naked eye. ISON will track with Mars through early November. During this time, Uranus in Aries moves closer to a square with Pluto, exact on November 1. On November 3, there is a total eclipse of the Sun in Scorpio, in a sextile with Mars by exact degree.

Although Virgo isn’t an aggressive sign for Mars, it’s no secret that hawkish factions in the United States, Europe, and the Middle East are itching for another war. We narrowly averted an escalation in Syria, which I think we can attribute to the huge public outcry. Whoever was behind that venture has had to go back to the drawing board, and we can’t discount the possibility of black ops designed to instill fear and whip up public support for an armed conflict. While that sounds terribly conspiratorial, it’s not a stretch, given the countries involved. Regardless, the Mars-Neptune opposition in the chart for this Friday’s eclipse suggests major deception and cover-ups, whether they involve war or political battles.

Virgo rules public service, which includes federal workers and military personnel. Some of these people are furloughed under the U.S. government shutdown or working with partial or no pay, and they’re fighting mad. Virgo also rules healthcare, and there are plenty of people in the United States angry about that, too. Evidently, the deal to reopen the government currently on the table in the U.S. Senate involves creating a committee to discuss cuts in entitlement programs. In other words, the congressional infighting over the past 16 days is far from over.

Lunar Eclipse in Aries

Click on image to enlarge

There are some bright spots in the chart for this eclipse, including a supportive trine from Venus to Uranus (exact today). Uranus is the planet of rebellion and freedom. One of the better attributes of Aries is pioneering leadership, but the Uranus-Aries combination has a certain element of rebelling just for the heck of it or starting an uprising spontaneously with no clear goals – not a terribly effective method for fighting the authoritarianism of Pluto in Capricorn. Negotiation is a better strategy, especially with the Sun in Venus-ruled Libra, sign of harmony and compromise.

From an individual standpoint, how this eclipse unfolds for you depends on where it falls in your natal chart. In general, though, relationships are a key theme. Just about everything in life depends on relationships. How many people fail at their jobs, not because of incompetence, but because of office politics? People often get ahead through networking and who they know. If you have a health condition, your relationship with your doctor, alternative healthcare provider, or psychologist can be key to the healing process. Relationships with classmates and teachers can have a last impact on your life and career. And so forth. Aries is self-reliant and needs a great deal of freedom, while Libra needs to be in a relationship to feel whole and fulfilled. Friday’s eclipse highlights these two extremes. If you experience conflict in a significant relationship, try to observe the dynamics in as neutral and detached a manner as possible. Who wants what? How do they get it? If they don’t get it, how do they respond? Is their response appropriate?

The square between Venus and Chiron focuses our attention on how we have been wounded in relationships. With Chiron in Pisces, this can include relationships in other lifetimes. I don’t know anyone who has entered a new relationship with a blank slate. Some people are aware of what they’re carrying from the past, but most aren’t. It’s a tough balance, and it takes a lot of honesty, trust, and self-knowledge on both sides to work through conflict.

Trust could be especially hard to come by this weekend, when the Mars-Neptune opposition is exact. If you suspect that someone isn’t being upfront with you, it might be wise to hang back for a bit and just observe. A little investigation might be warranted, but make sure you don’t abuse someone else’s trust in the process. Reading someone else’s e-mail is a no-no, unless you have ample reason to believe they’re plotting a murder.

Mercury is stationing to turn retrograde on Monday. Be sure to back up computer data starting now. If you are working on important correspondence or contracts, it would be better to wait until after November 10. However, this may not be possible. We don’t always have a choice. At the very least, read the fine print. With Mercury in Scorpio, it’s possible that there are hidden terms and conditions. Secrets may be exposed during this retrograde. Take care to ensure they’re not yours. Many e-mail programs automatically fill in addresses after you type a letter or two. I don’t have to tell you where that can end up. Mercury stations in close contact with Jupiter, suggesting that any errors are going to be real whoppers.

Much love and courage to all,
Aquarius, the sign of astrologyPat

© Pat Paquette,, 2013.